cphalcon 2.0.11 发布。cphalcon 是一个开源的 web 框架,作为 php 语言 c 扩展,它提供了更高的性能与更低的资源消耗。
更新内容 fix model magic set functionality to maintain variable visibility and utilize setter methods. #11286
added a preparesaveevent to model saving
added support for onupdate and ondelete foreign key events to the mysql adapter
added ability to setloglevel on multiple logs #10429
fixed regression changes for phalcon\translate\adapter\gettext::prepareoptions #11429
fixed phalcon\mvc\view\engine\volt::callmacrobug. now it's correctly calling call_user_func_arrayinstead of call_user_func
fixed undefined method call phalcon\mvc\collection\manager::getconnectionservice. now phalcon\mvc\collection::getconnectionserviceworks correctly in according to documentation